Posts Tagged ‘lol’

This guy is a master

2013. 08. 02.

This guy is a master.

Arra az esetre, ha esetleg levennék

2010. 12. 11.
Remanufactured HP 300 – (CC640EE) Black

Remanufactured HP 300. Contains 8ml of high quality pigment ink and will print 380 … Do you know what? I really can’t be bothered with writing these description anymore, it’s a printer cartridge! What am I supposed to write really??? It’s a cartridge that prints ink on to paper, you could print some work stuff or a colouring in page for the kids that they’ll half do and then leave laying around on the floor or a poster of the horrible Jonas Bothers for your teen daughter hoping that she might stop listening to there pathetic attempt of music so much. There good quality cartridges I’ll admit that, every time I’ve sneakily took some home with me they’ve worked perfectly, but the thing that’s doing my head in now is writing about them day in and day out with the boss giving me an impossible deadline to finish them all by which means I can’t even sit at my desk pretending to work like I know most people do in this place. My advice to you is if you’ve got to this page then you probably need a cartridge, or you have a weird fetish for ink cartridges, either way it’s a ink cartridge, it works perfectly, so if you want one buy one, if you don’t then why havn’t you left this page allready?

Signed: The guy who writes the boring everyday mundane descriptions about printer cartridges everyday.


2009. 09. 01.


Kar erte. Pedig szulettek klasszikusok!


Hol is dolgozunk?

2009. 08. 28.

A fenti kerdest Laci tette fel, miutan meglatta ezt. Bennem is hasonlo dolgok fogalmazodtak meg.


I kill people

2009. 08. 27.

With guns.


Túl jó vagyok én ehhez a világhoz…

2009. 08. 24.

Nedvesbugyi adatlapja


Ha 1 kicsit is megérzem, hogy paraszt vagy….irány a helyedre a többi közé!


Ha nagyobb a farkad , mint a pasimnak akkor írj….
Amúgy kocc….

Ez állítólag egy 37 éves nő adatlapja. Kellemes teremtés lehet, egyből beleszerettem. Költői kérdés: hogyan legyen nem paraszt az egyszeri ember azzal, akinek ilyen adatlapja van…? És mi számít parasztnak?

Out of Office AutoReply

2009. 08. 24.
I am on two weeks vacation from Aug 17-29. Yes, two weeks (Yes, vacation:) I will be in a place with no coverage so best if you consider me dead and buried. Back to uranium mine on Aug 31.
In work related issues turn to Toth Gabor (C) please, he will distribute the requests to our group.

I am on two weeks vacation from Aug 17-29. Yes, two weeks (Yes, vacation:) I will be in a place with no coverage so best if you consider me dead and buried. Back to uranium mine on Aug 31.

Mire kepesek a scriptek

2009. 08. 24.

Ha gyerekem lesz, meg jol johet!


Ki van a képen?

2009. 08. 21.